Friday 12 November 2010

take me home...

how could you resist! I saw this in a magazine and as a cat lover myself had to put it up on my blog

old work

looking at old work I realise I have a lot of working styles and I don't want to give up any of them :( maybe Ill just stick to a bit of everything, ha!
I have a thing about keeping all of my work, sketchbooks mean a lot to me so I always try to make them like a story.
I was sorting out work from last year and wanted to put up a few things from my embroidery project sketchbook inspired by postcards from the trip to Paris, of 1920s and female icons...

The hand embroidery below was inspired by Jenny Hart whose work I have very much fallen in love with.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

monkeys monkeys monkeys

I wanted to put up a bit more from my primate project at uni, experiments, and parts of my drawing work too :) I think I'm starting to find my style after quite some time. I'm not one to dress in bright colours and patterns but its something that I've found comes through in my work. I love making my work fun, humorous and playful but something that can be appreciated at all ages.

Friday 5 November 2010


in the summer i went on a little holiday to whitstable, plenty of charity shops (brilliant!) but the boyfriend didnt enjoy looking round them repeatedly.
while i was there, this caught my eye, you cant really say its inspirational but i think everybody should have one...cue stuffed cat...
int' he cute

Its been a long time comin'

I have been so preoccupied with uni projects that I have abandoned the blog. Im now going to try and blog everyday with things that Ive found a liked and also bits of my work.

Over the past 4 weeks I've been working on little monkeys to relate to my summer project(you can see some on the header at the top).
Here's a few of the finished ones :)